This Website is the Property of Lexconn. All the data and information presented on the page shall be the property of the said business.
No data collected from the users shall be used for malafide intensions. The website follows all the security SSL Certification Protocols to protect your data.
That Lexconn. does not gaurantee the registration of the trademark. It is subject to the Trademark Registry's decisions. But full efforts shall be made as to prior research of the trademark, neutralizing the chances of rejection. We have one of the highest success rates in the Trademark Registration Market. The Govt. trademark application fee paid shall be non refundable. Professional fee can be refunded in case of Formalities Chk Fail upon special request by the client.
That Lexconn. uses the services of Wix Inc. for Website Designing and any technical difficulty arriving later in the Website designed for the user shall be dealt under the whims and availability of Wix Inc. Lexconn.does not gaurantee the responsibility of the website post giving access to the client or post completion of the design, whichever is earlier. But efforts shall be made on part of the designer to resolve any issue which is otherwise rare in the record of our business.
That the costs of hoisting, domain etc. as part of the Wix Inc. Premium or Business Packages or Google Workspace are non refundable. But the costs of designing are subject to refund if a default or inavailability is incurred on part of the designer from Lexconn.Such designing costs shall be non refundable, once the website is surrendered to the client, or final payment is made for the website, or website access is given to the client, whichever is earlier.
Lexconn. reserves the right to take down the websites at any time, due to non payment of dues by the client. Such default can also attract penal action against the client.
It is to be mentioned that Lexconn.follows the business model of drop servicing in a few services except website design, MSME Regsitration trademark, agreements and contracts & Digital Design. If any dispute arises in the services where third parties are involved, e.g. Certifications, GST, etc. Lexconn.shall hold no liability for the same.
That the refunding of Third Party services shall be on discretion of the third party service providers involved.
Lexconn. reserves the right to make amendments in the undertaking and policy and thereafter bringing it to notice of the client.
Lexconn. reserves the right the terminate any subscription plan or package at any instance and settle the dues (if any) with the client. Efforts shall be made to reimburse the client for the services not used. But the decision of Lexconn. shall be final
Lexconn. shall be paid transportation costs whenever the area of business exceeds the Municipal Limits of Chandigarh, Panchkula. An alternate arrangement can always be made after discussion with client.
It is to be mentioned that Lexconn.shall try and offer the best services to the client, but in case a failure occurs on the part of the business, it shall make best efforts to refund for the refundable services if bonafide request is made well within time and no refund shall be made after 24 hours on any services of Lexconn.once the services are supplied to the client or after 24 hours of the payment.
Lexconn.as of now does not offer printing services, of the digital design or any other services. The costs shall only be of designing the deliverables in PDF, PNG, JPEG, MP4 whichever suits the needs of the client. It shall be the responsibility of the client to clear out the products to be received for the services. The business shall not be made to buy raw materials or anything out of the decided package from their own money.
Lexconn. does not provide the CSS or HTML or any source code of the websites it makes to the client. The client shall upon request get access to the website on his/her email-id which shall imply that the website is surrendered to the client.
Site Visits in subscription plans are neither transferable nor can be carried forward to next month. It is client responsibility to utilize the site visits permitted in a month.
Lexconn. follows a stringent confidentiality and privacy policy. We shall undertake in the beginning of every Subscription Plan, to protect our client's confidentiality, The Messages, Contacts, Sales and other private data which if shared further, could affect the business of our clients. Due to our clients, belonging to intra market competitions, it is fundamental to LEXCONN. that no client plays malafide with the market of our other clients. We not only undertake but also expect from all our clients to indulge in fair trade and policy and not make us, Lexconn. as intermediary or use us for any leverage against our other clients, Any breach of this clause would attract immediate suspension and if necessary, termination of services, Any refund thereto shall be under the sole prerogative of Lexconn.
Travel allowance outside Chandigarh-Panchkula shall always be client responsibility and shall always be exclusive of the Subscription Plan.